Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Great news!

That is such an amazing feeling.  I can’t even describe it.  All along I have said ‘it isn’t about a number’, and for me, it truly isn’t.  It is about this feeling, right here, right now.  Everyday I feel a little bit stronger.  Every day I wake up with that much more clarity, like I can use today to become the person I was meant to be.  I am still working to get there, but this is one step closer.  Amazing day.

Just a short intro...

Now that I have kids, I can see how much of a role model I have become.  Like it or not, Kira copies EVERYTHING I do.  And Ariana copies everything Kira does.  Aside from the insane energy requirements of keeping up with 2 under 2, it is important to me that I set a good example and give them the tools to be healthy and happy.  That and Steve studying hard to be a nutritionist has sparked a growing passion in our house for health and fitness.
So far, I am just 10 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight and fit into my old jeans!  I still want to lose 15 more pounds, but I feel stronger everyday and am finally able to look in the mirror and see part of that powerful and confident girl I used to be.  That girl that I want my children to see and grow up to be.  But to do that, I need constant patience, strength, and energy.  
For me, the end of the day is the hardest.  After playing all afternoon, I have to get the girls in bed, then I have to get to all of the things that I can't possibly do when they are awake (ie: school work, housework, really anything that requires any amount of focus or 2 hands!).  One thing that I has really helped me be a better mom, and a better version of myself, is an amazing shake by Beachbody: Shakeology.  It is packed with superfoods, and has made a huge difference in the way I feel.  I drink a shake in the afternoon and it keeps me going to get everything done.  I am telling you, there is a distinct difference in my level of focus and energy when I drink one and when I don't.  And it is really yummy, so it is sort of like a treat!  
I, in fact, am so sold on these products that I have become an independent Beachbody Coach.  I promote and sell their products, including the shakes and supplements as well as some incredible workout programs (like P90X).  But the greatest point for me is working personally with other people to help them set, achieve, and exceed both their fitness and their financial goals.  Seriously, I put on a pair of shorts that I haven't fit into in years today and it felt amazing.  I want to be able to share that feeling, that confidence, that excitement with other people.
If you would be interested or know anyone who might be, please help me out and pass my information on to them.  I am working to make 2011 my best year and hope you do the same!
Don't take my word for it: Check out my websites for more technical information and please feel free to send me any comments or questions.   (Plus, I'll send you a free sample!)